We have officially launched!!!

Welcome to the official launch of the Nerdery and Murdery website!!! I think I use “!!!” too much. :)

Anyway, as we start down this path we will give updates on where we are on the release of our very first episode and how things are going along the way. Maybe if we can be entertaining enough here first then we will actually have listeners on day 1. Pretty sure it is just going to be us though. Hopefully we like the sound of our own voices.

So there it is, the website has launched, we have our first blog entry, and we are moving along. For anyone who choses to follow us from day 1 (or 2 or 3 or 4 or whatever), we will try and post often. Thank you to ANYONE who is reading this and whether you like what we are doing or not…well…ummm…thank you anyway. :) So see you soon!

- Geoffrey


We now have Social Media