Ep. 158 - Star Trek Lower Decks and Gerald "The Animal" McFadden

Welcome to another week of the highs and the lows, the ups and the downs, and the Nerd and the Murd. Get comfy and settle in to listen to Uncle Zig get into another in our Star Trek series with Star Trek Lower Decks. Then hang on to your hat as Geoffrey details yet another serial killer, Gerald "The Animal" McFadden.

Nerdery Links

Star Trek Lower Decks - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9184820/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_2_nm_0_q_Star%2520Trek%2520Lower%2520Decks

Lower Deckers

Crossover Promo

Live Action Crossover

Gerald Jerry Animal McFadden

McFadden Victims


Ep. 159 - Cross Gen Comics and Leonard Lake and Charles Ng


Ep. 157 - The Ninth Doctor and The Disappearance of Samantha Speery