Episode 23 - Blake 7 and The Trunk Murderess

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Zig goes old school Sci-Fi and talks about the TV show Blake 7 while Geoffrey tells the story of Winnie Ruth Judd, The Trunk Murderess.

Nerdery Links

Blake's 7 Online Community - http://www.blakes7online.com/news.php

Blake's 7 Wiki - https://blakes7.fandom.com/wiki/Blake%27s_7

Blake's 7 Britbox page - https://www.britbox.co.uk/programme/Blakes_7_51629

First Season Cast

First Season Cast

Fourth Season Cast

Fourth Season Cast

The Liberator

The Liberator

The Scorpio in the Xenon Base

The Scorpio in the Xenon Base

Winnie Ruth Judd

Winnie Ruth Judd

Winnie’s husband, Dr. William C. Judd

Winnie’s husband, Dr. William C. Judd

Happy Jack Halloran

Happy Jack Halloran

Hedvig just months before she was murdered

Hedvig just months before she was murdered

Another picture of Hedvig

Another picture of Hedvig

Agnes Anne LeRoi

Agnes Anne LeRoi

Bugalow where the murders happened

Bungalow where the murders happened

Union Station

Union Station

The trunks at the train station in Los Angeles

The trunks at the train station in Los Angeles

A crowd gathered to see Winnie’s arrival to the jail after her arrest

A crowd gathered to see Winnie’s arrival to the jail after her arrest

Trunks in evidence

Trunks in evidence

Jurors for Winnie’s trial

Jurors for Winnie’s trial

Winnie being given the verdict of guilty

Winnie being given the verdict of guilty

Copy of the guilty verdict

Copy of the guilty verdict

Winnie caught in 1963 after being on the lam for six years

Winnie caught in 1963 after being on the lam for six years


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