Episode 49 - Time Travel Conspiracies and Bible John
This week Zig take a deep dive into Time Travel Conspiracies while Geoffrey tells the story of the unsolved case of Bible John.
Nerdery Links
Pacific Standard Article on John Titor - https://psmag.com/environment/the-mystery-of-john-titor-hoax-or-time-traveler-57001
Vintage News Post for Moberly–Jourdain incident - https://www.thevintagenews.com/2017/12/08/versailles-time-slip/
Wired Article for Bob White or Tim Jones - https://www.wired.com/2003/08/turn-back-the-spam-of-time/
Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller - Die Erwartete
Time Travelling Hipster
1928 cell-phone
John Titor Mission Patch
Murdery Links
Daily Record - https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/how-notorious-killer-bible-john-12078716
The Sunday Times - https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/bible-john-the-sanctimonious-dancehall-killer-who-vanished-gmfgpwb7j6d
Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible_John
Bible John Victims
Bible John Suspect Sketch